
The LAMPROBE rapidly and effectively treats a broad range of minor vascular, sebaceous, and fibroma related skin irregularities that are very common in men and women alike.  These conditions tend to become more even prevalent as one ages and while only cosmetic in nature, can be bothersome to individuals desiring flawless skin and an attractive appearance.

Sebaceous Irregularities

Sebaceous Irregularities (Oil Based)

Sebaceous irregularities tend to appear on the t-zone area of face, as well as the scalp.  Family history and dietary lifestyle can contribute to prevalence of these irregularities.

Sebaceous irregularities include commonly occurring cholesterol deposits, clogged pores, milia, and pimples. Sebaceous hyperplasia, a distinctive donut-shaped sebaceous irregularity, also fall in this category, as do cysts.

Vascular Irregularities

Vascular Irregularities 

Vascular irregularities can appear in different forms and tend to be more noticeable in fair skinned or thin-skinned individuals.  They are superficial in nature and present on the upper epidermal level of the skin.

Vascular irregularities appear most often on the face. Some of these irregularities such as cherry angiomas may appear on the chest and torso. Common conditions such as dilated capillaries, cherry angiomas, and spider naevi fall in the vascular irregularities category.

Hyperkerantized Irregularities

Hyperkerantized Irregularities (Skin Tags)

Skin tags and keratoses are common skin growths can appear all over the face and body. Like many common Minor Skin Irregularities™, hyperkerantinized irregularities tend to increase in prevalence with age, specifically developing in middle age and older.

Hyperkerantized irregularities include skin tags, fibromas, and keratoses.

Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Most common in middle-aged and elderly people who have light skin and a history of sun exposure.
Clogged Pores
Dead skin cells, dirt and oil (sebum) as well as slow cellular turnover can clog up pores and give your skin an unhealthy appearance
Xanthalasma (Cholesterol Deposits)
These fatty cholesterol deposits tend to form primarily around the eye area as we age
Caused by trapped protein or skin flakes (keratin) that cause tiny cysts under the skin
Cherry Angiomas
Common Skin growths that can appear anywhere on your body. They are a collection of small /blood vessels which give them their red appearance.
Spider Naevi
A type of swollen blood vessels that have a central red spot with small veins that extend outward like a spider web.
Broken or swollen blood vessels that occur near the surface of the skin
Skin Tags
A small flap of tissue that hangs off the skin by a connecting stalk. Often found in areas where the skin rubs together.
Seborrheic Keratoses
Dark superficial skin tumours that have the appearance of being pasted on. Usually raised and oval in shape.
Slow growing papuals that are usually brownish in colour. They are made up of disordered collagen laid down by fibroblast cells.

Treatment Videos

Sebaceous Irregularities Treated

Vascular Irregularities Treated

Keratinized Irregularities Treated