We’re entering a new month, which means new discounts. Check out the July specials below: If you answer yes to any of the following, lash extensions are for you: Do you like to save time? Cut down on your makeup routine! Are you sick of mascara clumps and flakes? Skip ’em! Want big, beautiful eyes? […]
The Sun’s Out, and We’re Celebrating with TWO June Specials!
The sun’s out, and so are our sandals. VMA’s June specials are designed to help get your feet flip-flop ready, softening your skin and flawlessly polishing your toes… and we don’t stop there. We’re also providing an introductory offer on our new ‘Oxygenating Facial’. Feel refreshed from head to toes, just in time for Summer! […]
April is Rosacea Awareness Month, and We’re Spreading the Word on Treatment Options
April showers bring willpower–the willpower to fight your Rosacea symptoms! The Acne and Rosacea Society of Canada has dedicated April as Rosacea Awareness Month, and rightfully so: this chronic inflammatory condition affects over three million Canadians, challenging them with physical symptoms, as well as the social and psychological impacts of having a persistent condition that […]

You’re Wasting Time Shaving…Get 1,723 extra hours back in your life
I recently went on a tropical vacation with my friend. Every morning I spent 20 minutes waiting for her to finish shaving before we could head out to enjoy the day. EVERY.SINGLE.MORNING! She couldn’t lay by the pool with stubble. It made me really appreciate the fact that I don’t even have to think about […]
Compression Stockings for varicose veins and venous disease
Chronic venous disease affects millions of people causing a number of problems of the legs and feet, from little “spider” veins to painful large varicose veins and, at it’s worst, venous skin ulcers. Most patients come to our clinic somewhere in the middle; they have noticeable varicose veins and pain and are rightfully concerned about […]
Varicose Veins and Venous Disease Part 2
Varicose Veins and Venous Disease (A Guide For Patients) PART 2 OF 3 Dion Davidson MD FRCSC FACS Vascular and General Surgery, Critical Care Last time I talked about what venous disease is and how varicose veins and related issues are problems for so many people. Next up: Investigations and treatment options. As […]
Varicose Veins and Venous Disease
Varicose Veins and Venous Disease (A guide for patients) Dr Dion Davidson BSC MD FRCSC FACS PART ONE Abnormal leg veins are more common than you may think; they are thought to affect a third of the adult population. These range from those tiny little “spider veins” (technically called telangiectasias) to huge bulging varicose veins […]